Today I decided to set myself a mental challenge; to some it may seem like a mere frivolous spendage of time but to others it will be seen as a feat of mental strength. I am going to give up an addiction that has haunted my evenings for at least two years now, tis the dastardly villain, FACEBOOK!
I have spent far too many hours on it just gawping at the screen, 'liking' status' like "Omg just lost my phone" or "lol look at Gilian Mckeith pale out in the jungle". Like I give a shit! I'm a celebritwat gets me angry enough on T.V, I shouldn't be spending my time observing a running commentary on it by illiterate, brain dead people who claim to be my friends, but in reality I have never even messaged them via Facebook let alone held a conversation with them in person. So yes I decided I have had enough and I should spend my time more creatively. So I de-activated my account which was a strange experience, as soon as I clicked the deactivation button a little motif of pictures I was tagged in with friends appeared with little messages below them saying “Lewis will miss you” and “Claudia will miss you”. This poor attempt to make me reconsider deleting Facebook only made me angry so I carried on the form thing until I could say good riddance to Facebook.
The deleting of Facebook was the easy part but I’m not exaggerating when I say it ate up at least 12 hours every week, so now to find more worthwhile pursuits which will fill my time. The first thing I decided to do was spend about half an hour trying to work out a theme song from a film on the piano, which I am proud to say I achieved. The second thing I have achieved (well achieving) is writing this blog, but I think after this I will be running out of things to occupy myself with. I may attempt to do some homework, undistracted by the tyrant that is Facebook. Then I will probably play some guitar or go on the Xbox for a bit then I will be thoroughly bored.
It’s pretty sad when the most entertaining thing people my age can find to do is staring at a screen reading peoples publicised thoughts and chatting to them about bugger all. I hate talking to people through instant messaging; first of all conversations usually consist of: “hi”, “what you doing”, “same”, “bye”. Then secondly when someone doesn’t reply after about 2 minutes you start to wonder whether they have just grabbed something to eat or if they can’t be bothered speaking to you because you feel you may have been blagging them slightly, which then leads to irrational paranoia in case they don’t like you. Then finally people tend to get the wrong end of the stick when I am ‘chatting’ to them, it turns out sarcasm doesn’t work very well over the internet. Talking to people face to face or even over the phone is what should be done, especially when you are getting to know someone, I come across as a right dick when I get to know people online so I am stopping myself being wrongly perceived from now on by stopping myself from using Facebook.
Well now I am going to attempt to do something innovative somewhere else in my abode as I feel I have digressed slightly in this blog. My only problem now is that the only link to this blog for other people to read is on my Facebook page, if you have found it, well done, you are worthy of my friendship!

Monday, 29 November 2010
Mentally, I am more powerful than Jesus.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
TV needs sorting!
Why is the television filled with complete and utter shite?, and why is the majority of the British population dribbling monotone shits?
They have to be if 'Xfactor' and 'I'm a celebritwat get me out of here' are still being aired, then the rest of the time it is either repeated relics on 'Dave' or just general mind-numbing, futile and perturbing drivel like ‘The One Show’. I don’t know whether or not I have previously ranted about the one show, but I shall continue regardless. The program is basically Blue Peter for slow adults, with presenters that have been cast for me to despise. First it was that Adrian Chiles who is far too jolly for someone who has a face like a damaged potato, but now he seems to have disappeared, hopefully forever. Then I caught an episode or two where Jason Manford was presenting it, which just saddened me. Jason Manford should have just stuck to being a comedian that’s what he’s good at. Then today It was Chris Evans the weasel bastard.
We may have almost come to the time to let me create a television program, it will involve a pit some endangered but deadly animals and a host of celebrities I deem fit to be combatants. Although we are not quite there yet, as there is current television programs we should have more of.
First of all we need more David Attenborough, for everyone who watched his life series, you will understand. For everyone who didn’t, I suggest going watching it now and for everyone who didn’t like it, go somewhere quiet and suffocate yourself using an item of your choice.
Other documentaries we need are ones like ‘The Filth and the Fury’ which is about (in the words of John Lydon) “telling the fucking truth”. A new series of Robotwars needs to be made with Craig Charles presenting. Then there are programs that just need subtle changes to make them into greats, like a ‘Crimewatch, payback’ which will basically be captured criminals featured on regular crimewatch receiving corporal punishment for the viewers entertainment.
I could go on being inspiring but I won’t.
They have to be if 'Xfactor' and 'I'm a celebritwat get me out of here' are still being aired, then the rest of the time it is either repeated relics on 'Dave' or just general mind-numbing, futile and perturbing drivel like ‘The One Show’. I don’t know whether or not I have previously ranted about the one show, but I shall continue regardless. The program is basically Blue Peter for slow adults, with presenters that have been cast for me to despise. First it was that Adrian Chiles who is far too jolly for someone who has a face like a damaged potato, but now he seems to have disappeared, hopefully forever. Then I caught an episode or two where Jason Manford was presenting it, which just saddened me. Jason Manford should have just stuck to being a comedian that’s what he’s good at. Then today It was Chris Evans the weasel bastard.
We may have almost come to the time to let me create a television program, it will involve a pit some endangered but deadly animals and a host of celebrities I deem fit to be combatants. Although we are not quite there yet, as there is current television programs we should have more of.
First of all we need more David Attenborough, for everyone who watched his life series, you will understand. For everyone who didn’t, I suggest going watching it now and for everyone who didn’t like it, go somewhere quiet and suffocate yourself using an item of your choice.
Other documentaries we need are ones like ‘The Filth and the Fury’ which is about (in the words of John Lydon) “telling the fucking truth”. A new series of Robotwars needs to be made with Craig Charles presenting. Then there are programs that just need subtle changes to make them into greats, like a ‘Crimewatch, payback’ which will basically be captured criminals featured on regular crimewatch receiving corporal punishment for the viewers entertainment.
I could go on being inspiring but I won’t.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Zombies, are they all that bad?
The world is full of people, some say too many. I am one of these people who believe there are too many. I think it is time to see if people are worth their salt. Now with population at its all time highest and still rising and with there being too many people burning valuable fossil fuels, eating all the creatures and destroying their little creature homes i think it is time to take drastic action.
The Government should release their zombification virus's (we all know they have them). Ok at first the world might be a bit of a shit place to live when there's a risk of being eaten when you go down to the shops for a packet of wine gums, but after enough people have perished the army can step in and save civilisation then we can pretend none of it ever happened.
The people who survive the zombie invasion will have definitely earned their survival. They will be safe in the knowledge that they were the fittest in a literal survival of the fittest scenario. If that isn't enough I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks it would be a laugh, that is as long as the zombies had the speed and strength of the zombies in 'Shaun of the dead' or 'Dawn of the dead', not really fast enough to chase you if you are capable of running, but dangerous enough if in close proximity and hungry.
People will be able to run around brandishing weapons of their choice and slaying zombies hither and thither whilst not feeling guilty as the zombies aren't really alive anyway.
Then if 'Shaun of the dead' is anything to go by, after the zombie pandemic has been contained we can use the remaining zombies for our entertainment on reality TV shows which I'm sure will get large audiences because the majority of people who watch reality TV are already half way there to being a zombie.
The Government should release their zombification virus's (we all know they have them). Ok at first the world might be a bit of a shit place to live when there's a risk of being eaten when you go down to the shops for a packet of wine gums, but after enough people have perished the army can step in and save civilisation then we can pretend none of it ever happened.
The people who survive the zombie invasion will have definitely earned their survival. They will be safe in the knowledge that they were the fittest in a literal survival of the fittest scenario. If that isn't enough I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks it would be a laugh, that is as long as the zombies had the speed and strength of the zombies in 'Shaun of the dead' or 'Dawn of the dead', not really fast enough to chase you if you are capable of running, but dangerous enough if in close proximity and hungry.
People will be able to run around brandishing weapons of their choice and slaying zombies hither and thither whilst not feeling guilty as the zombies aren't really alive anyway.
Then if 'Shaun of the dead' is anything to go by, after the zombie pandemic has been contained we can use the remaining zombies for our entertainment on reality TV shows which I'm sure will get large audiences because the majority of people who watch reality TV are already half way there to being a zombie.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
This shit just got real!
Well i am now firmly in the grasp of A2 and the increasing work load and my willingness to do it would be at a strong negative correlation on a graph. Things started out fairly relaxed for the first few hours of my second year at college then it dawned on me that when all my teachers from last year said that "it's going to be a lot of hard work at A2" they wern't just trying to scare us all.
Not only do we have work to worry about, but i am in the process of filling in my UCAS application thing online which is almost as worrying. I thought it would be simple enough but it's full of riddles and confusing questions like "buzzword" and "dual nationality". It also requires four seperate security questions if, god forbid, you forget your password. Then after you have overcome the challenge of registering and logging in to UCAS you have to fill in many more separate forms. One of which may confuse you if you are planning to apply to university through UCAS. At the end of the 'Personal Details' section you are are asked whether or not you have any disabilities or special needs and there is a box provided if you do have a disability or special needs. I tried to leave it blank and finish of the form but it kept on telling me "Please select disability or special needs." At first i thought it might be some kind of underlying synonymous message but then after a couple of fustrated minutes i clicked on the list of disabilities and you had to select 'none' to go through instead of leaving the box blank.
The next challenge is going to be writing my personal statement. My first attempt at this just turned into a spiel about the books i have read and my fondness for English. Hopefully my second attempt will suffice and at the end of all this i will get into a university.
Not only do we have work to worry about, but i am in the process of filling in my UCAS application thing online which is almost as worrying. I thought it would be simple enough but it's full of riddles and confusing questions like "buzzword" and "dual nationality". It also requires four seperate security questions if, god forbid, you forget your password. Then after you have overcome the challenge of registering and logging in to UCAS you have to fill in many more separate forms. One of which may confuse you if you are planning to apply to university through UCAS. At the end of the 'Personal Details' section you are are asked whether or not you have any disabilities or special needs and there is a box provided if you do have a disability or special needs. I tried to leave it blank and finish of the form but it kept on telling me "Please select disability or special needs." At first i thought it might be some kind of underlying synonymous message but then after a couple of fustrated minutes i clicked on the list of disabilities and you had to select 'none' to go through instead of leaving the box blank.
The next challenge is going to be writing my personal statement. My first attempt at this just turned into a spiel about the books i have read and my fondness for English. Hopefully my second attempt will suffice and at the end of all this i will get into a university.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Although no one called for it i shall give my oppinion.
Every now and then I feel an urge to articulate my oppinion on a certain matter, this is usually what results in me writing a blog although sometimes I write them because I feel like I don't write them often enough.
Something that caught my attention in the media, particularly the american media, caused me to have some strong oppinions which I have decided to express in the form of this here blog. A man who goes by the name of Terry Jones who is a reverend in the U.S of A has decided that in memory of all those who perished in the 9/11 attack he will burn a few qurans in a field, what he hopes to achieve by this ignorant, shocking and basically retarded act i am not quite sure. What I am sure of is that it will cause indignation. I don't wish to dwell on this as I say it often enough but I am not a fan of religion at the best of times but here is just another prime example of how religion is used as a weapon. The amount of times religion has been reported to cause conflict on the news vastly outweighs the amount of times religion has been used to bring peace, when I come to think of it I can't think of any example when religion has been used to bring peace.
However the christian extremist Terry Jones isn't entirley to blame for this fiasco in my oppinion. What should of happened instead of the media giving him all this coverage and air time showing how hateful he is and giving islamic extremist's another reason to want to attack the west, they should have just ignored him and not acknowledged his existance, this way no one outside of his town would have found out about it and it wouldn't have given me or anyone else a reason to despise religion or the other thing which winds me up, american people portrayed by the media, who have little or no intelligence. Although it probably isn't true but what the media has shown me is that the vast majority of american people have no common sense or empathy at all, but like I said, the media only shows us what it wants to show us.
Something that caught my attention in the media, particularly the american media, caused me to have some strong oppinions which I have decided to express in the form of this here blog. A man who goes by the name of Terry Jones who is a reverend in the U.S of A has decided that in memory of all those who perished in the 9/11 attack he will burn a few qurans in a field, what he hopes to achieve by this ignorant, shocking and basically retarded act i am not quite sure. What I am sure of is that it will cause indignation. I don't wish to dwell on this as I say it often enough but I am not a fan of religion at the best of times but here is just another prime example of how religion is used as a weapon. The amount of times religion has been reported to cause conflict on the news vastly outweighs the amount of times religion has been used to bring peace, when I come to think of it I can't think of any example when religion has been used to bring peace.
However the christian extremist Terry Jones isn't entirley to blame for this fiasco in my oppinion. What should of happened instead of the media giving him all this coverage and air time showing how hateful he is and giving islamic extremist's another reason to want to attack the west, they should have just ignored him and not acknowledged his existance, this way no one outside of his town would have found out about it and it wouldn't have given me or anyone else a reason to despise religion or the other thing which winds me up, american people portrayed by the media, who have little or no intelligence. Although it probably isn't true but what the media has shown me is that the vast majority of american people have no common sense or empathy at all, but like I said, the media only shows us what it wants to show us.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
A few days off but oh well.
Well it has been over a year since i started writing blogs (i was hoping to write this exactly a year after my first blog but i forgot), so i thought this might be a good enough reason to write a blog as i struggle to find things to write about. I find myself in a similar state of mind to which i was many moons ago, as i am excited for the arrival of Leeds festival which is four days away from now.
So i shall use this blog to summarise my year (or what i can remember).
Once upon a time many eons ago i got bored and decided to write a blog, shortly after this i started college, after being at college for a few months i seem to recall a lot of snow and cold weather for an extended period of time, then my world was void of snow and things became slightly brighter and greener. After this happened i did some exams and then carried on with college until it ended for the year. I spent most of my summer doing nothing and getting out of bed in the afternoon. Amongst the excitment and busyness i celebrated my 17th birthday, in the weeks after this i received my leeds ticket in the post and got my AS exam results which phased me slightly but i got over it. Now i am writing this blog, and that was pretty much my year. I don't wish to bore you with further details but i shall be writing a blog soon and hopefully they will be coming more regularly than they have been this year.
So i shall use this blog to summarise my year (or what i can remember).
Once upon a time many eons ago i got bored and decided to write a blog, shortly after this i started college, after being at college for a few months i seem to recall a lot of snow and cold weather for an extended period of time, then my world was void of snow and things became slightly brighter and greener. After this happened i did some exams and then carried on with college until it ended for the year. I spent most of my summer doing nothing and getting out of bed in the afternoon. Amongst the excitment and busyness i celebrated my 17th birthday, in the weeks after this i received my leeds ticket in the post and got my AS exam results which phased me slightly but i got over it. Now i am writing this blog, and that was pretty much my year. I don't wish to bore you with further details but i shall be writing a blog soon and hopefully they will be coming more regularly than they have been this year.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Time to repent there is a God, his name is George Foreman!
Last wednesday was a wonderful day for me, twas my birthday and i turned 17 years of age and i received the ultimate coming of age present. My brother presented me with a gift which caused me to see the light! A George Foreman lean mean fat reducing grilling machine was the gift of choice and what a gift it was! Pretty much all my meals have been been created with the George Foreman lean mean fat reducing grilling machine since my birthday and with every meal my faith grows stronger.
Take a bacon barm for instance, an almighty breakfast in its crudest form but through the lean mean fat reducing grilling machine what you end up with is a god fearing sandwich, with the power to satisfy your hunger and tastebuds for at least an hour. I don't know how these magical things are achieved with the use of just a grill but there must be some kind of wizardry afoot. If you have read my previous blogs i'm sure you will have picked up on the fact that i am not a religous person you could go as far as saying i hate religion and all the gods that come with it. But then i was naive as i had not learnt the teachings of George Foreman and according to the leaflet that accompanys the grill which we will call George's bible for the sake of the blog you can pretty much grill anything. If you are not curious already, it get's better! Not only does it make all food i have grilled in it taste better, but it also is more healthy for you, as the title of the magical machine suggests. It gets rid of all the fat and drains it into a little plastic dish thing which shows you how much hate there has been crammed into one sausage.
If there is a God it is certainly Mr. George Foreman for making breakfast more enjoyable than i thought possible, which if i am being honest is all i wanted from a god anyway.
Take a bacon barm for instance, an almighty breakfast in its crudest form but through the lean mean fat reducing grilling machine what you end up with is a god fearing sandwich, with the power to satisfy your hunger and tastebuds for at least an hour. I don't know how these magical things are achieved with the use of just a grill but there must be some kind of wizardry afoot. If you have read my previous blogs i'm sure you will have picked up on the fact that i am not a religous person you could go as far as saying i hate religion and all the gods that come with it. But then i was naive as i had not learnt the teachings of George Foreman and according to the leaflet that accompanys the grill which we will call George's bible for the sake of the blog you can pretty much grill anything. If you are not curious already, it get's better! Not only does it make all food i have grilled in it taste better, but it also is more healthy for you, as the title of the magical machine suggests. It gets rid of all the fat and drains it into a little plastic dish thing which shows you how much hate there has been crammed into one sausage.
If there is a God it is certainly Mr. George Foreman for making breakfast more enjoyable than i thought possible, which if i am being honest is all i wanted from a god anyway.
Mobile phone? Mine is just a mobile calculator
A few days ago i was considering posting another blog about a random visit to Tescos on my Friday night, it would have been a general moan about how i was spending my friday night at 17 years of age in a Tesco, in the end i decided that the blog would probably be less interesting than my visit to Tescos as anticipating the arrival of terminal disease would be about as exciting as my visit to Tesco. Since Friday i have been feeling as though i should write another blog but nothing seemed to agrivate or amuse me enough to write one until i realised that my mobile phone causes me great agrivation almost everyday.
On average i will go through about 4 mobile phones per year, although it is not intentional, i'm not someone who believes they need a new one for each season or to be up to date with technology. The reason is that my phones seem to have a tendancy to die or get broken within a few months of me owning them. So the price of my mobiles have decreased steadily until now i believe i have spent the least amount of money possible without it being just a battery. Except the bastard of a phone might as well be just a battery as it can't do anything else other than emit light and even that isn't something i would count on it for. When i bought it (well my mother bought it) about three months ago i decided that i wanted to spend next to nothing for it as all i wanted it for was to ring and text. Today my phone will be lucky to do either of those things, its sole purpose is to be used as a telephone but it can't even do it, it isn't even worthy of being called a phone. Not only is it useless but i think it is conspiring against me. A few weeks ago i was walking home in the pitch black and everynow and then i would check my phone to see if someone was ringing me and for a bit of light, but every single time i pulled my phone out of my pocket, it had turned itself off. Then surprisingly it showed full battery so the only plausable explanation i could come up with was that it didn't want anyone to contact me. My suspicions have been confirmed since as it occasionally decides to turn itself off mid conversation and lets me receive other people's texts up to 2 weeks after they have sent them.
When i started this blog i decided that the only thing i could really rely on my phone for was being a calculator but now i have just discovered that it only does sums which amount to less than onemillion which means i could probably find a Korean child which is a more efficient and useful calculator.
On average i will go through about 4 mobile phones per year, although it is not intentional, i'm not someone who believes they need a new one for each season or to be up to date with technology. The reason is that my phones seem to have a tendancy to die or get broken within a few months of me owning them. So the price of my mobiles have decreased steadily until now i believe i have spent the least amount of money possible without it being just a battery. Except the bastard of a phone might as well be just a battery as it can't do anything else other than emit light and even that isn't something i would count on it for. When i bought it (well my mother bought it) about three months ago i decided that i wanted to spend next to nothing for it as all i wanted it for was to ring and text. Today my phone will be lucky to do either of those things, its sole purpose is to be used as a telephone but it can't even do it, it isn't even worthy of being called a phone. Not only is it useless but i think it is conspiring against me. A few weeks ago i was walking home in the pitch black and everynow and then i would check my phone to see if someone was ringing me and for a bit of light, but every single time i pulled my phone out of my pocket, it had turned itself off. Then surprisingly it showed full battery so the only plausable explanation i could come up with was that it didn't want anyone to contact me. My suspicions have been confirmed since as it occasionally decides to turn itself off mid conversation and lets me receive other people's texts up to 2 weeks after they have sent them.
When i started this blog i decided that the only thing i could really rely on my phone for was being a calculator but now i have just discovered that it only does sums which amount to less than onemillion which means i could probably find a Korean child which is a more efficient and useful calculator.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
People.....What a bunch of bastards!
Although you may be expecting some emo style, depressing, self sympathising lament i am afraid that this will not be the case. The title is a quote from I.T Crowd but is true if you were in the misanthropistic state of mind which i was this morning, but it wasn't only my mood this morning that caused me to decide this.
I was walking out of Pets At Home, the well known retail outlet for all your creatures needs, where i noticed a woman with a charity tub for an animal shelter. Almost every passer by emptied there pockets into the tub. But earlier on when walking out of Asda a person who had a collection for the elderly received nothing whilst i was passing by. Now i realise that this my be slightly bias because the majority of the people in Pets At Home will own a pet, but think for a moment, i bet the majority of the people walking out of Asda will probably know an elderly person who may need some care or help.
I also have noticed that the homeless man on the street with the scruffy jack russel on his lap will always get more money than the homeless man without the scruffy jack russel. Also recent polls have told us that the people who give money to animal charities vastly out weighs the amount of people who give to charities supporting other people. Now i'm not saying that animals don't need charities for them but when a dog getting a new home is more important than someone getting an organ transplant to someone in my oppinion you can tick them off as a complete bastard.
I was walking out of Pets At Home, the well known retail outlet for all your creatures needs, where i noticed a woman with a charity tub for an animal shelter. Almost every passer by emptied there pockets into the tub. But earlier on when walking out of Asda a person who had a collection for the elderly received nothing whilst i was passing by. Now i realise that this my be slightly bias because the majority of the people in Pets At Home will own a pet, but think for a moment, i bet the majority of the people walking out of Asda will probably know an elderly person who may need some care or help.
I also have noticed that the homeless man on the street with the scruffy jack russel on his lap will always get more money than the homeless man without the scruffy jack russel. Also recent polls have told us that the people who give money to animal charities vastly out weighs the amount of people who give to charities supporting other people. Now i'm not saying that animals don't need charities for them but when a dog getting a new home is more important than someone getting an organ transplant to someone in my oppinion you can tick them off as a complete bastard.
Friday, 9 July 2010
Ironicly bored
I was bored of college after my AS exams, i eagerly anticipated the arrival of the summer holidays. Now it has i am even more bored despite having all the time to do more or less whatever i want, yet i can't and am fed up. The state of my dissatisfaction with having nothing to do has got to a point where i can't be bothered to write in continuous prose. So i shall try to compose a short poem.....
Today is cancelled due to insuffiicient funds,
the day is over before it has even begun.
There is time to kill but no weapon to use
though time is getting shorter like a burning fuse.
Today is a day without an inbeetween.
from morning to night there has been nothing seen,
no significant events that will stick within my mind
no new people or places i am waiting to find.
Today may be wasted but a day non the less.
But that is my view and cannot speak for the rest,
others may have achieved something great
but i have not yet, so i will sit here and wait.
Today is cancelled due to insuffiicient funds,
the day is over before it has even begun.
There is time to kill but no weapon to use
though time is getting shorter like a burning fuse.
Today is a day without an inbeetween.
from morning to night there has been nothing seen,
no significant events that will stick within my mind
no new people or places i am waiting to find.
Today may be wasted but a day non the less.
But that is my view and cannot speak for the rest,
others may have achieved something great
but i have not yet, so i will sit here and wait.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Despite being half-way through my AS Exams the foreboding doom due to lack of adequate revision is yet to set in. The problem lies within the fact that my mind struggles to realise the importance of getting good marks in my exams. I have been revising for my two remaining exams during this half term but i am aware that i have not done enough, I know that i have sufficient knowledge on my two remaining subjects to pass the exams but not enough to get the A's i want and need to get into a decent university.
Perhaps it isn't me as an individual, perhaps it is the fact the human race hasn't evolved to fear failure in an exam. People develop fears of real and immediate threats which could put an end to there life, spiders for example the tiny creatures that kill the flys in your house which you would have to be an idiot not to regard as a threat, if you got into a struggle with one of those monsters you would be F*$%ED! Well maybe spiders aren't the best example but most phobias are linked to a direct threat whereas doing well in exams is something we have to adapt to worry about as it is only within the last 100 years or so when this has become an important factor to a decent life.
Having said that i know some people who do worry about exams but it doesn't seem to affect me at all. I'm not even one of those people who only worries just before i go into the exam or whilst i am struggling to work out 50% of 100 or some other simple maths in a monotonous maths GCSE.
Amongst other things exams are one of the things people should spend a lot of time preparing for and worrying about in life, but due some mental defect i fail to recognise the importance. It is times like this when i wonder about my adult life and how wrong it will probably end up. I see myself spending more time worrying over the two remaining batteries in my home and whether the remote for my T.V or the controller for my xbox is most important instead of worrying about the rent for my accommodation. Although i am aware of my lack of concern for revising is potentially a very bad thing i still don't feel the need to do anything about it. Maybe one day i will. But more than likely i won't.
Perhaps it isn't me as an individual, perhaps it is the fact the human race hasn't evolved to fear failure in an exam. People develop fears of real and immediate threats which could put an end to there life, spiders for example the tiny creatures that kill the flys in your house which you would have to be an idiot not to regard as a threat, if you got into a struggle with one of those monsters you would be F*$%ED! Well maybe spiders aren't the best example but most phobias are linked to a direct threat whereas doing well in exams is something we have to adapt to worry about as it is only within the last 100 years or so when this has become an important factor to a decent life.
Having said that i know some people who do worry about exams but it doesn't seem to affect me at all. I'm not even one of those people who only worries just before i go into the exam or whilst i am struggling to work out 50% of 100 or some other simple maths in a monotonous maths GCSE.
Amongst other things exams are one of the things people should spend a lot of time preparing for and worrying about in life, but due some mental defect i fail to recognise the importance. It is times like this when i wonder about my adult life and how wrong it will probably end up. I see myself spending more time worrying over the two remaining batteries in my home and whether the remote for my T.V or the controller for my xbox is most important instead of worrying about the rent for my accommodation. Although i am aware of my lack of concern for revising is potentially a very bad thing i still don't feel the need to do anything about it. Maybe one day i will. But more than likely i won't.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
The Times They Are A Changin'
I would describe myself as a fairly mellow character and i hold passion to few things in life these days. Most days of my life are fairly similar and its not often where something obstructs me from my usual relaxed regime.
I do not fear change, in fact i have been known to encourage it as long as it doesn't interfere with my comfort and happiness. The things i am passionate and arise increased interest to me are usually in the forms of music, films, some T.V. programs, books and occasionally the odd person.
But recently it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain the balance between these things and sleep with little else in between. As college work increases and the expectations of me doing this work increases i can no longer ignore the occasional piece of homework like i did in high school. On top of that apparently you need more than just good college grades to get into a university these days. I was under the illusion they let any old person in who is willing to pay a extensive some of money.
Therefore i now need to occupy myself with something else which can be seen as an advantage to a University, unfortunately the majority of these 'extra activities' cannot be entertained in the comfort of my own home.
So now change is inevitable and people of 'influence' have pretty much forced me towards the path of voluntary work, I'm fairly ambiguous of what it is i can give to society. In most scenarios i see myself offending someone.
I don't really see myself volunteering in an old peoples home because generally the elderly scare the shit out of me. I can deal with old people within my family after years of being around them you grow to understand their ways of life. But other peoples old people confuse and bewilder me. Almost all possess a racist and sexist demeanour which unintentionally socially barricades them from almost everyone.
To be honest almost all voluntary work sounds terrifying other than volunteering to help at a music festival which i am interested in as it can gain you free access, whats not to like?
On top of changing my lifestyle slightly the world is messing with the things i hold dear to me such as films and music. Tarentino films aren't the masterpieces they once were, oasis have split up and somehow they have managed to ruin the only good T.V drama i have come across, Shameless.
Things are moving too fast for my liking. This college year is half over and it seems to me like i have barely been there. Getting a job and money has suddenly become a necessity (neither of which i obtain). Everyone i know is becoming old! Before i know it I'll be in my mid forties trying to cope with a gambling addiction and an unruly vandalizing child whilst sitting on a couch surrounded by litter and food trying to eat cereal out of the cracks between the cushions wondering were all the time went.
I do not fear change, in fact i have been known to encourage it as long as it doesn't interfere with my comfort and happiness. The things i am passionate and arise increased interest to me are usually in the forms of music, films, some T.V. programs, books and occasionally the odd person.
But recently it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain the balance between these things and sleep with little else in between. As college work increases and the expectations of me doing this work increases i can no longer ignore the occasional piece of homework like i did in high school. On top of that apparently you need more than just good college grades to get into a university these days. I was under the illusion they let any old person in who is willing to pay a extensive some of money.
Therefore i now need to occupy myself with something else which can be seen as an advantage to a University, unfortunately the majority of these 'extra activities' cannot be entertained in the comfort of my own home.
So now change is inevitable and people of 'influence' have pretty much forced me towards the path of voluntary work, I'm fairly ambiguous of what it is i can give to society. In most scenarios i see myself offending someone.
I don't really see myself volunteering in an old peoples home because generally the elderly scare the shit out of me. I can deal with old people within my family after years of being around them you grow to understand their ways of life. But other peoples old people confuse and bewilder me. Almost all possess a racist and sexist demeanour which unintentionally socially barricades them from almost everyone.
To be honest almost all voluntary work sounds terrifying other than volunteering to help at a music festival which i am interested in as it can gain you free access, whats not to like?
On top of changing my lifestyle slightly the world is messing with the things i hold dear to me such as films and music. Tarentino films aren't the masterpieces they once were, oasis have split up and somehow they have managed to ruin the only good T.V drama i have come across, Shameless.
Things are moving too fast for my liking. This college year is half over and it seems to me like i have barely been there. Getting a job and money has suddenly become a necessity (neither of which i obtain). Everyone i know is becoming old! Before i know it I'll be in my mid forties trying to cope with a gambling addiction and an unruly vandalizing child whilst sitting on a couch surrounded by litter and food trying to eat cereal out of the cracks between the cushions wondering were all the time went.
Monday, 25 January 2010
I died a little inside today!

Today i discovered the tragic and hideous new's that we are losing another British company due to an American take over. Now each time i find out another company is being lost i feel disheartened but today when i found out that American confectionery company Kraft may be taking over our nations beloved Cadbury i wanted to cry.
This is like some cruel sadistic joke. It's about as shocking and disgusting as someone relieving their bowels on Winston Churchill's grave. I believe it is a personal insult to our once great nation. You couldn't get more British than sitting on the bonnet of a Jaguar, drinking a cup of tea, eating a Cadbury's chocolate bar whilst publicizing your hatred for people who dwell in all other country's except England. But now what do we have to show, Jaguar has been sold off to Ford who has probably sold it off to some other company, its like some family heirloom that has been handed down to a grandchild who has mistreated it and swapped it with his next door neighbor for a mars bar and a F*&%ing yo-yo. Cadbury's about to be flogged off to the highest bidder and political correctness has come down on us like a ton of bricks so we will probably get penalized in some way for telling everyone the French are cowardly cheese and frog eating freaks (despite the obvious truth in this statement).
It seems England has fallen into a state of ruin were it seems we only have cups of tea to remind us of what it is too be British. Although I'm holding onto this I'm sure that will be considered abnormal or inappropriate as America increases its influence on us.
It seems we may no longer enjoy the taste of a Dairy milk ever again, as I'm sure Kraft will mutate the delicious taste of Cadbury's into some bland tasteless dust like Hershey's. So next time you go into your local off-license or supermarket pick up a Cadbury product and savour and enjoy it, for it may be your last.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Religous Uprising

I believe there is a conspiracy rising, a religious conspiracy (the worst type). Now I'm not saying that i hate religion....... Oh wait sorry, that's exactly what I'm saying. But i could tolerate it to an extent but recently it seems to be interfering with my comfortably atheist life. This weekend seems to have been high in religious content the first encounter of the religious kind was when i went to the cinemas watching "The Book Of Eli" which is a pretty good film in itself, Denzel Washington is a machete wielding, bible fueled prophet or some shit.
I had a hunch the "Book" in "The Book Of Eli" was going to be the bible before watching it but i didn't let it put me off. The message the film was sending out to the audience was that in the post-apocalypse world everyone will be murdering each other unmercifully to get the bible which will allegedly make the new war torn, post apocalyptic desert a nice place to live again. The film isn't really specific on the "why's" or "hows" the bible will achieve this but it sure will.
Also there was a few trailers for films in 2010 that are religiously motivated. There is a film coming out called "Legion" where apparently God is angry (surprise, surprise), but this time hes finally got the bollocks to do something about it (maybe he was tired of people underestimating him). Well his act of anger is sending down hundreds of angels to kill everyone on earth. Inevitably one angel disagrees and helps a small amount of mortals and i assume, being the typical American film, that the mortals will somehow win and God will give up and go get high or whatever hes been doing for the last 2000 years since he last sent us a "message". Then another film coming out called "The Road" seems to be pretty much the same story as "The Book Of Eli" but instead of a book the main characters child is the savior somehow, I'm not sure if it is a religious film but the trailer suggested that it was.
The next day on a journey into the vibrant, dynamic and diverse world that is Manchester i was heckled by a man on a pedestal who's way of grabbing peoples attention was pointing directly at them and informing them that they are going to hell. Although no one seemed to care as i didn't see anyone screaming, rioting and breaking down. He told us that if we didn't repent then we are all going to hell, he then continued to say although he repents he too is going to hell. Which makes me think two things, that the whole repenting thing is a bit pointless and secondly that his persuasive techniques were the worst I've ever witnessed. But although pathetic as he was he is one of the things that really wound me up. I don't mind people who are religious, i think there naive, but i can tolerate them its like if you have a young child in the family who has an imaginary friend. You just ignore it and let him do his own thing. But the man on the pedestal was like the little child with his imaginary friend going "Look this is billy, you can't see him but hes there and I want you to life under the cruel dictatorship of Billy". If you want to spend your life fearing a God that doesn't exist you are more that welcome to but please don't try dragging me into your own little fictional world.
But i think perhaps the most annoying thing is a program i watched on the internet where the worst type of religious people were having there say, the worst type being the "Creationist" religious people, who believe the earth is 12000 years old and that Adam and Eve were the first people and we are all direct descendants of them. They claim that dinosaur bones and all the rest of the factual evidence around the earth proving it is older than 12000 years has been placed there by God to test us. If your living your life by that hypothesis then you can pretty much do whatever you want and not feel guilty about it. I could murder someone and claim he was a monster placed by God to test me...... so yeah i killed it. Religion seems to be a primitive thing to me as well. It provided a reasonable explanation to people who lived hundreds of years ago who had no other way of explaining something such as how we got here. But today we have discovered the real explanation to that so now we can forget the old way and move on.
People who live by the "Creationist" theory clearly proves how gullible people really are which i suppose is a strength for a person who wants to create a cult. L. Ron Hubbard had the right idea, i think i might have to give it a go at some point.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Better use of time?
I am being constantly badgered about not being creative enough and it occurred to me earlier on today whilst committing homicide on "Grand Theft Auto 4", that i could be doing something "creative" right now. But then i got thinking what may be seen creative to me may not be creative to other people for instance i believe that nibbling pieces of Jaffa cake off until it resembles a face or the moon is creative, but i doubt many people would consider this as creative. Perhaps somewhere in the world there is some organisation that encourages the shaping of small cakes and biscuits into poor representations of the moon but until then it seems that i will have to spend these moments in solitude.
After consuming a generous amount of Jaffa Cakes i decided to look about my room for something which may be considered as creative, i picked up my guitar and considered composing a song i got as far as composing a pattern of simple chords and a verse of a song involving nothing more than the primal instincts which i was feeling at the time which was hunger and boredom. I think the word song is a bit of an exaggeration because it was just the words "Food" and "bored" whilst monotonously strumming simple chords. After feeling that i wasn't really advancing or reaching a level of creative omnipotence i decided to venture downstairs hoping for some kind of creative epiphany where it would all become clear. I'd hoped as i poured a glass of orange juice that some act of nature would enthrall me and cause me to feel creative and give me a topic to write a song on or paint a picture of. Unfortunately that is about as likely as a renown religious icon to previously have belonged to some kind of extreme political party that committed genocide (oh wait!). I start to feel like I'm digressing from my original topic so I'll attempt to get back on track.
After weighing up all my options i came to the decision that there was absolutely nothing to do within the confines of my dwelling. Driven by this i decided that the creativity that could be achieved outside was limitless. Then i remembered that outside was the kind of the conditions Earnest Shackleton had to endure, and we all remember what happened to him, he had a heart attack on a boat and died. Weighing up the risks of cardiac arrest i decided that i wasn't so determined to find creativity i would risk my life to find it so i retreated back to my room.
Feeling defeated and shameful i considered taking out my self pity on innocent bystanders within the gaming world. Then i finally had an epiphany of sorts and decided that if writing isn't considered as creative then there's bugger all that is. So i decided to update my blog and not only do i now feel creative i feel a sense of pride knowing that I've written another entry into my blog which is a good start to my re-appearance in the blog world.
After consuming a generous amount of Jaffa Cakes i decided to look about my room for something which may be considered as creative, i picked up my guitar and considered composing a song i got as far as composing a pattern of simple chords and a verse of a song involving nothing more than the primal instincts which i was feeling at the time which was hunger and boredom. I think the word song is a bit of an exaggeration because it was just the words "Food" and "bored" whilst monotonously strumming simple chords. After feeling that i wasn't really advancing or reaching a level of creative omnipotence i decided to venture downstairs hoping for some kind of creative epiphany where it would all become clear. I'd hoped as i poured a glass of orange juice that some act of nature would enthrall me and cause me to feel creative and give me a topic to write a song on or paint a picture of. Unfortunately that is about as likely as a renown religious icon to previously have belonged to some kind of extreme political party that committed genocide (oh wait!). I start to feel like I'm digressing from my original topic so I'll attempt to get back on track.
After weighing up all my options i came to the decision that there was absolutely nothing to do within the confines of my dwelling. Driven by this i decided that the creativity that could be achieved outside was limitless. Then i remembered that outside was the kind of the conditions Earnest Shackleton had to endure, and we all remember what happened to him, he had a heart attack on a boat and died. Weighing up the risks of cardiac arrest i decided that i wasn't so determined to find creativity i would risk my life to find it so i retreated back to my room.
Feeling defeated and shameful i considered taking out my self pity on innocent bystanders within the gaming world. Then i finally had an epiphany of sorts and decided that if writing isn't considered as creative then there's bugger all that is. So i decided to update my blog and not only do i now feel creative i feel a sense of pride knowing that I've written another entry into my blog which is a good start to my re-appearance in the blog world.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Revisiting the world of Blogging
Admittedly i entered the world of blogging in a rather shameful way, as i think i previously informed anyone who has bothered to read these entries i am a person who acts on whim , if something appeals to me i usually obsess about it for a small period of time then either forget about it or lose interest in it after following it up.
Well at precisely 11:30 pm on a Wednesday night i was reading a blog of a friend of mine which inspired me to relight the candle of creativity which had become so dim i forgot it existed. If nothing else i would just use this blog to publicize my friends blog, it is easy to tell that his literary skills and humorous cynicism makes whatever he has written about something to entertain you for a while. So i can't help but feel compelled to have a link to his page somewhere within this blog as he inspired me to give it another go. For someone who aspires to be a journalist, needing to be reminded to write is probably not the best of attributes and to be honest i'm not even sure if attribute is the most suitable word for that particular feature of my personality.
The other thing i think put me off blogging is that i thought i had nothing to write about, my original intentions were to blog every week but sadly i fell short of the mark in failing to blog at least once a month. But i feel i deserve a fresh start and i will attempt to conjure up the enthusiasm and will power to find something to write about each month (see a more realistic target). Well readers, if there is any there (at this moment i imagine tumbleweed rolling gracefully yet fearfully away from me), you will hear from me again......... Probably.
oh and as promised a link to a page i guarantee you will enjoy (unless you are one of those moaning complaining types of people who wallow in there own misery and claim to be offended by the most minute reference to anything, but then again if your that person your probably emailing the BBC again because Jeremy Clarkson has mentioned prostitutes or orphans again)
Well at precisely 11:30 pm on a Wednesday night i was reading a blog of a friend of mine which inspired me to relight the candle of creativity which had become so dim i forgot it existed. If nothing else i would just use this blog to publicize my friends blog, it is easy to tell that his literary skills and humorous cynicism makes whatever he has written about something to entertain you for a while. So i can't help but feel compelled to have a link to his page somewhere within this blog as he inspired me to give it another go. For someone who aspires to be a journalist, needing to be reminded to write is probably not the best of attributes and to be honest i'm not even sure if attribute is the most suitable word for that particular feature of my personality.
The other thing i think put me off blogging is that i thought i had nothing to write about, my original intentions were to blog every week but sadly i fell short of the mark in failing to blog at least once a month. But i feel i deserve a fresh start and i will attempt to conjure up the enthusiasm and will power to find something to write about each month (see a more realistic target). Well readers, if there is any there (at this moment i imagine tumbleweed rolling gracefully yet fearfully away from me), you will hear from me again......... Probably.
oh and as promised a link to a page i guarantee you will enjoy (unless you are one of those moaning complaining types of people who wallow in there own misery and claim to be offended by the most minute reference to anything, but then again if your that person your probably emailing the BBC again because Jeremy Clarkson has mentioned prostitutes or orphans again)
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