Despite being half-way through my AS Exams the foreboding doom due to lack of adequate revision is yet to set in. The problem lies within the fact that my mind struggles to realise the importance of getting good marks in my exams. I have been revising for my two remaining exams during this half term but i am aware that i have not done enough, I know that i have sufficient knowledge on my two remaining subjects to pass the exams but not enough to get the A's i want and need to get into a decent university.
Perhaps it isn't me as an individual, perhaps it is the fact the human race hasn't evolved to fear failure in an exam. People develop fears of real and immediate threats which could put an end to there life, spiders for example the tiny creatures that kill the flys in your house which you would have to be an idiot not to regard as a threat, if you got into a struggle with one of those monsters you would be F*$%ED! Well maybe spiders aren't the best example but most phobias are linked to a direct threat whereas doing well in exams is something we have to adapt to worry about as it is only within the last 100 years or so when this has become an important factor to a decent life.
Having said that i know some people who do worry about exams but it doesn't seem to affect me at all. I'm not even one of those people who only worries just before i go into the exam or whilst i am struggling to work out 50% of 100 or some other simple maths in a monotonous maths GCSE.
Amongst other things exams are one of the things people should spend a lot of time preparing for and worrying about in life, but due some mental defect i fail to recognise the importance. It is times like this when i wonder about my adult life and how wrong it will probably end up. I see myself spending more time worrying over the two remaining batteries in my home and whether the remote for my T.V or the controller for my xbox is most important instead of worrying about the rent for my accommodation. Although i am aware of my lack of concern for revising is potentially a very bad thing i still don't feel the need to do anything about it. Maybe one day i will. But more than likely i won't.
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