Monday, 9 August 2010

Mobile phone? Mine is just a mobile calculator

A few days ago i was considering posting another blog about a random visit to Tescos on my Friday night, it would have been a general moan about how i was spending my friday night at 17 years of age in a Tesco, in the end i decided that the blog would probably be less interesting than my visit to Tescos as anticipating the arrival of terminal disease would be about as exciting as my visit to Tesco. Since Friday i have been feeling as though i should write another blog but nothing seemed to agrivate or amuse me enough to write one until i realised that my mobile phone causes me great agrivation almost everyday.

On average i will go through about 4 mobile phones per year, although it is not intentional, i'm not someone who believes they need a new one for each season or to be up to date with technology. The reason is that my phones seem to have a tendancy to die or get broken within a few months of me owning them. So the price of my mobiles have decreased steadily until now i believe i have spent the least amount of money possible without it being just a battery. Except the bastard of a phone might as well be just a battery as it can't do anything else other than emit light and even that isn't something i would count on it for. When i bought it (well my mother bought it) about three months ago i decided that i wanted to spend next to nothing for it as all i wanted it for was to ring and text. Today my phone will be lucky to do either of those things, its sole purpose is to be used as a telephone but it can't even do it, it isn't even worthy of being called a phone. Not only is it useless but i think it is conspiring against me. A few weeks ago i was walking home in the pitch black and everynow and then i would check my phone to see if someone was ringing me and for a bit of light, but every single time i pulled my phone out of my pocket, it had turned itself off. Then surprisingly it showed full battery so the only plausable explanation i could come up with was that it didn't want anyone to contact me. My suspicions have been confirmed since as it occasionally decides to turn itself off mid conversation and lets me receive other people's texts up to 2 weeks after they have sent them.

When i started this blog i decided that the only thing i could really rely on my phone for was being a calculator but now i have just discovered that it only does sums which amount to less than onemillion which means i could probably find a Korean child which is a more efficient and useful calculator.

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