Today i discovered the tragic and hideous new's that we are losing another British company due to an American take over. Now each time i find out another company is being lost i feel disheartened but today when i found out that American confectionery company Kraft may be taking over our nations beloved Cadbury i wanted to cry.
This is like some cruel sadistic joke. It's about as shocking and disgusting as someone relieving their bowels on Winston Churchill's grave. I believe it is a personal insult to our once great nation. You couldn't get more British than sitting on the bonnet of a Jaguar, drinking a cup of tea, eating a Cadbury's chocolate bar whilst publicizing your hatred for people who dwell in all other country's except England. But now what do we have to show, Jaguar has been sold off to Ford who has probably sold it off to some other company, its like some family heirloom that has been handed down to a grandchild who has mistreated it and swapped it with his next door neighbor for a mars bar and a F*&%ing yo-yo. Cadbury's about to be flogged off to the highest bidder and political correctness has come down on us like a ton of bricks so we will probably get penalized in some way for telling everyone the French are cowardly cheese and frog eating freaks (despite the obvious truth in this statement).
It seems England has fallen into a state of ruin were it seems we only have cups of tea to remind us of what it is too be British. Although I'm holding onto this I'm sure that will be considered abnormal or inappropriate as America increases its influence on us.
It seems we may no longer enjoy the taste of a Dairy milk ever again, as I'm sure Kraft will mutate the delicious taste of Cadbury's into some bland tasteless dust like Hershey's. So next time you go into your local off-license or supermarket pick up a Cadbury product and savour and enjoy it, for it may be your last.
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