I believe there is a conspiracy rising, a religious conspiracy (the worst type). Now I'm not saying that i hate religion....... Oh wait sorry, that's exactly what I'm saying. But i could tolerate it to an extent but recently it seems to be interfering with my comfortably atheist life. This weekend seems to have been high in religious content the first encounter of the religious kind was when i went to the cinemas watching "The Book Of Eli" which is a pretty good film in itself, Denzel Washington is a machete wielding, bible fueled prophet or some shit.
I had a hunch the "Book" in "The Book Of Eli" was going to be the bible before watching it but i didn't let it put me off. The message the film was sending out to the audience was that in the post-apocalypse world everyone will be murdering each other unmercifully to get the bible which will allegedly make the new war torn, post apocalyptic desert a nice place to live again. The film isn't really specific on the "why's" or "hows" the bible will achieve this but it sure will.
Also there was a few trailers for films in 2010 that are religiously motivated. There is a film coming out called "Legion" where apparently God is angry (surprise, surprise), but this time hes finally got the bollocks to do something about it (maybe he was tired of people underestimating him). Well his act of anger is sending down hundreds of angels to kill everyone on earth. Inevitably one angel disagrees and helps a small amount of mortals and i assume, being the typical American film, that the mortals will somehow win and God will give up and go get high or whatever hes been doing for the last 2000 years since he last sent us a "message". Then another film coming out called "The Road" seems to be pretty much the same story as "The Book Of Eli" but instead of a book the main characters child is the savior somehow, I'm not sure if it is a religious film but the trailer suggested that it was.
The next day on a journey into the vibrant, dynamic and diverse world that is Manchester i was heckled by a man on a pedestal who's way of grabbing peoples attention was pointing directly at them and informing them that they are going to hell. Although
no one seemed to care as i didn't see anyone screaming, rioting and breaking down. He told us that if we didn't repent then we are all going to hell, he then continued to say although he repents he too is going to hell. Which makes me think two things, that the whole repenting thing is a bit pointless and secondly that his persuasive techniques were the worst I've ever witnessed. But although pathetic as he was he is one of the things that really wound me up. I don't mind people who are religious, i think there naive, but i can tolerate them its like if you have a young child in the family who has an imaginary friend. You just ignore it and let him do his own thing. But the man on the pedestal was like the little child with his imaginary friend going "Look this is billy, you can't see him but hes there and I want you to life under the cruel dictatorship of Billy". If you want to spend your life fearing a God that doesn't exist you are more that welcome to but please don't try dragging me into your own little fictional world.
But i think perhaps the most annoying thing is a program i watched on the internet where the worst type of religious people were having there say, the worst type being the "Creationist" religious people, who believe the earth is 12000 years old and that Adam and Eve were the first people and we are all direct descendants of them. They claim that dinosaur bones and all the rest of the factual evidence around the earth proving it is older than 12000 years has been placed there by God to test us. If your living your life by that hypothesis then you can pretty much do whatever you want and not feel guilty about it. I could murder someone and claim he was a monster placed by God to test me...... so yeah i killed it. Religion seems to be a primitive thing to me as well. It provided a reasonable explanation to people who lived hundreds of years ago who had no other way of explaining something such as how we got here. But today we have discovered the real explanation to that so now we can forget the old way and move on.
People who live by the "Creationist" theory clearly proves how gullible people really are which i suppose is a strength for a person who wants to create a cult. L. Ron Hubbard had the right idea, i think i might have to give it a go at some point.