Tuesday, 31 July 2012

It's been a while...

It’s regretful that I have to start another blog by acknowledging the fact that I haven’t written one in months but, yet again, it must be done. The reasons for this stretch far and wide, some may say, too far and too wide! So I won’t attempt to bore you with these reasons, which stretch, to the very horizons of each and every one of your sensory perceptions.
  Yes it has been quite a while since I have written a single word. I feel that now, enough time has passed for me to be able to string out five hundered or so words informing my avid readers of what exactly I have been up to for the past 4-5 months and it will be sufficient and perhaps entertaining enough.
  Well my last blog was posted at the end of March, slightly before or perhaps slightly after my last exam, I don’t really remember. What I do remember is that I passed all my exams and am able to cling to the label of ‘student’ and to all the luxuries that go hand in hand with that label, such as getting marginal percentage discounts from selected retail outlets and a special railcard that says student on it, which gets you a third of any journey just like all the other types of railcard you can purchase.
 Since then I have been comfortably busying myself by doing nothing. Every now and then I’ll try desperately to find a job but it seems that every CV I have handed out is another wasted piece of paper playing its part in destroying the rainforests, something I abhor. So I have decided to stop printing off CVs that don’t even get looked at, another step towards saving the planet.
  Another studenty thing that I have experienced is the feverish excitement I’m sure all students endure when they have to move all there shit from one place to another. I’m not sure how it happened but over the course of the year I managed to accumulate quite a lot of random stuff I barely used such as an accordion, a violin and a nerf gun to name a few. Perhaps the greatest acquirement was obtained on the day we moved out of the flat.
    As our sneaky Korean housemates emigrated before the end of the tenancy, myself and two other English tenants I live with, had to clean the entire flat. Not only did they leave the tidying to us but also they pretty much left all the things they kept in the communal area of the flat. Fearing we would lose our deposit if the flat was full of stuff we decided to claim it all. The most precious treasure we acquired was there fancy Korean rice cooker. Unfortunately all the buttons are in Korean so unable to use it, it serves only as a cultural ornament and talking point, perched proudly on a table in the centre of the living room in the new house.
  At the moment our abode for the following year of university is bare and unappealing, (apart from the living room of course!) The alarms go off every time someone moves and I am scared of the responsibility of having to arrange bills and their payments. So currently the house functions only as a sort of squat, a cold building in which you can shelter from the elements and sleep, providing you are very very still.
  I am planning on furnishing it with bohemian wall hangings and various other gnarly stuff to make it more homely; perhaps I’ll upload a picture or two when it is complete.
  That about wraps it up, a few other occurrences have occupied my time but I’ll save them to give me something to write about another day.